You can make the booking both online and in written form you'll find in "Booking" page of this website, either by e-mail. Reservation should be submitted 24 hours before your arrival. Upon we'll receive your booking details, you will receive back a confirmation for our service availability.
Infants from (0 -2) are absolutely free of charge. Children (3-11) of age count in all vehicles with a 50% discount of the adults price.
Booking cancellation due to some circumstances beyond your control must be submitted 48 hours or more prior to the commencement of the transfer. The whole amount, already paid to the company, shall be reimbursed. No refund is applicable if the booking cancellation is notified later than 48, or on the last-minute.
Our fleet is at disposal only with the accompaniment of experienced and well-mannered drivers.
A tour itinerary can be outlined due to the customer’s basic inquiry with the primary details such as destinations, the dates, and preferred car model as well as car disposal hours.
Smoking and consumption of alcohol and spirits are strictly prohibited in the company’s vehicles.